What is the graduation class speaker's role?
The primary role is to announce the graduating class gift(s) to the university during the ceremony. The AMS has already solicited ideas from the student body and so the gifts have already been decided. The designated speaker will be given the list to read. The second role is to speak briefly about your undergraduate experience and/or what graduation means to you.
How do I apply to be the graduation Student speaker?
Typically for the Faculty of Science, faculty will nominate names to the Science Associate Dean of Students (Dr. Paul Harrison for 2016). In mid-March, he will email potential students to submit a short 100 - 150 word draft speech if they are interested in the role. Dr. Harrison then proceeds to choose one speaker per ceremony (for Science, there are 4 speakers total).
Graduation Day for the Student Speaker
An hour / an hour and a half before the ceremony time, go downstairs to get your robe + hood. (Remember to pre-rent your robe online EARLY)
30 minutes before your designated ceremony time, head upstairs to the Theo Lounge and meet the Chancellor's Procession which includes UBC President, Chancellor, Faculty Dean & associate deans, Marshall etc. There is food and drinks in the lounge, so you can grab a bite to eat. The ceremony organizers will talk you through the entire procedure from when and where to sit, the order of the speakers etc.
10 minutes before ceremony time, the Chancellor Procession will begin to walk towards the Chan Centre. All the other students have already entered the hall. The Procession enters from the back of the theatre and marches up to the stage, the Student Speaker sits in the first row, stage left (so wear nice shoes :P ). Remain standing until everyone is on stage and the Chancellor asks everyone to sit. After the President speaks, it is your turn. Question I still have: are you suppose to remove your cap for O Canada?
The Student Speaker will have 3 minutes to sing, rap, talk however they like except they must include the pre-written graduating class gift blurb. Your speech must also be approved beforehand, typically around 300 words max.
After the speech, the Student Speaker returns to their seat and waits until their procession number is lining up. Then the Marshall will direct you off stage to join your classmates. After walking across the stage rather than following your classmates back off stage, the Student Speaker walks around the back of the stage to their original seat on stage.
During various parts of the ceremony, the Chancellor will ask graduating students to stand. Please follow their instructions despite being one of the only people standing on stage and it's super awkward.
At the end of the ceremony, the Student Speaker will follow the Chancellor Procession out of the auditorium. Be sure to take pictures with people in the Procession before everyone else exits. :P
Why you should apply to be Student Speaker?
It is definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity, and makes your graduation extremely memorable. Despite writing the speech being an extremely frustrating process of writing/ re-writing/ re re-writing, the adrenaline of speaking to a full auditorium is amazing. Another cool perk of being Student Speaker is meeting the Honourary Degree recipients afterwards at their reception.