MICB 306 (with Dr. Danielle Krebs, Dr. Francois Jean)
- Course Taken: MWF 12-1pm (September 2015 - December 2015)
- Format: Dr. Krebs lectures half the term, then Dr. Jean lectures the end. Dr. Krebs' section primarily focuses on general life cycles of viruses using certain viruses as case studies. Dr. Jean talks specifically about three viruses (Hep C virus, Dengue virus, Ebola virus) and goes into depth about how they hijack the host and what treatments are available.
- Grading Scheme: 2 Midterms (20%, 25%), Final (45%), Online quizzes (10%)
- Textbook: Virology: Principles and Applications (J. Carter and V. Saunders), 2nd edition
- Class Average: 81%
- Personal Experience: A very straight forward course with a decent amount of memorization, but nothing outrageous. The weekly online quizzes are easy, and mainly try to keep the students caught up with the material. It is essentially an extension of what was covered in MICB 202. The midterms and final are also extremely fair. Great course if you are interested in viruses. While Dr. Krebs is not as strong lecturer as Dr. Kion, she is able to still communicate the material effectively. Dr. Jean is much more knowledgable about viruses; however, his notes are very difficult to follow. Most likely, you will need to make your own notes. This is a required pre-req for MICB 406/407 (virology seminar courses).